Be data
Data that can help you to grow
Our Strengths
- CUSTOMIZATION. All our products and services are tailored to the specific needs of our customers
- ASSISTANCE. All requests are processed within a few hours, including weekends
- INNOVATION. We are always at the forefront in adopting and experimenting with new technologies to support business intelligence: from big data to machine learning
We collaborate with

We are registered in the list of experts of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza and Lodi for specialized assistance in the field of business development

We are partners of the world leader in the dissemination of market research, which has chosen us to provide itself with economic and financial information on over 40 sectors of the Italian economy, calculated with our CSI methodology.

We are registered in the register of Innovation Managers of the Ministry of Economic Development for the following areas: big data, data analysis, digital development of business processes, commercial development

Members of the first Italian Marketing association authorized by the MISE to certify Marketing professionals, and for which we have carried out training and authoring activities in the Marketing Metrics field.

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Industry of Liquors and Spirits analysis of more then 150 corporaions
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Fragrances, flavors, essences: The analysis of the financial statements 2011-2013
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